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Elisabetta Sartori

My treatments

Elisabetta Sartori Snehana e Dosha 

Snehana and Dosha 

SNEHANA is the most complete Ayurvedic treatment, as it balances all the energies of the body, beneficial for the colon, stimulates circulation, eliminates toxins, relieves tension, tones and fights stress.


Following the Prakriti Test, your constitution is defined, that is, your DOSHA, in order to sew on your person the treatment most suited to your physical, psychic and emotional characteristics.

Elisabetta Sartori marma

the 107 MARMA points

The 107 Marma points are prana points, trigger points, which when touched release stagnant energy, function like micro chakras.

This treatment  stimulates the nervous system, eliminates stress, exhaustion, relieves pain and stiffness, tones the energy level.

Elisabetta Sartori linfodrenaggio

Neerabhyangam or Lymphatic Drainage

Ayurvedic lymphatic drainage is a specific treatment against water retention, it frees the tissues from swelling and heaviness caused by toxins blocked along the lymphatic channels, which prevent liquids from being discharged through the urine.

It reactivates the microcirculation, helps eliminate cellulite if combined with a correct diet and regular exercise, helps eliminate toxins and remodels.

The benefits are visible from the first sessions.

Elisabetta Sartori trattamento PRANICO KERALIANO

Kerala Pranic with Pindasweda

the KERALIAN PRANIC is a treatment that is performed following the direction of the flow of prana, along the energy channels called 'srotas', which are responsible for spreading vitality and strength in our body.


Following the PINDASWEDA technique consists in the tamponade and application of bags of hot herbs and spices.


Suitable for  joint pain and to prevent them, impurities of the skin, states of fatigue and to balance the heat in the body (e.g. cold extremities)

Elisabetta Sartori vasti olio caldo

Located ''Vasti''

Vasti is an application of hot oil, often with the addition of herbs, or with medicated painkiller oil, on areas of the body that are inflamed and painful. Sufficient time is left in place for you to feel the benefit of the heat that expands and attenuates the symptom (e.g. back, neck, knees)


It is also performed on those areas where emotional tension is felt, such as the solar plexus, the heart, the forehead.

Each application is followed by a localized massage.

Elisabetta Sartori riflessologia viso Dien Cham e Ubtana

Dien Cham and Ubtana

DIEN CHAM is Vietnamese facial reflexology, an age-old technique based on the concepts of acupuncture and on the principle of analogy, according to which things of the same shape have a correspondence.

The face concentrates  all the reflex areas of the body and, by treating them, the flow of energy is restored to its normalcy.


Below I propose UBTANA, a peeling mask of the Ayurvedic tradition, performed with powdered herbs, customized according to the type of skin. Eliminates dead cells by recompacting the skin, promotes the formation of collagen and brings luminosity to the face.

Elisabetta Sartori trattamento californiano


the Californian is a fluid, rhythmic and enveloping treatment, which, using a set of various techniques, brings various benefits: first of all it is an excellent stimulator of blood and lymphatic circulation, reactivates vitality, promotes the elimination of toxins and at the same time it is anti-stress, modeling and toning


Elisabetta Sartori
Elisabetta Sartori trattamento fiori di bach

Bach flowers and FlowerMassage
(consultancy also remotely)

Bach flowers are powerful emotional correctors that help to find the balance of a momentary or character discomfort. An interview is held in order to choose the most suitable remedies for you.


The FLOWER MASSAGE is a real pampering, specially designed to facilitate the localized application of flowers as much as possible. The technique mixes ancient oriental traditions with the knowledge of western flower therapy.

Elisabetta Sartori
Elisabetta Sartori  madero trattamento detox

Emotional Energy Wash Out
Nader Butto's method

LEE is an emotional release technique devised by Dr. Butto, an Israeli cardiologist, which is based on the stimulation of trigger points in the body, corresponding to the chakras, but not only, in order to unblock unexpressed emotions due to unresolved conflicts (such as abandonment, separation from a loved one, trauma, bad relationships, etc.)

The emotional reaction manifests itself with tremors, shivers, tears, due to the release of the emotions that caused the block even after many years. The result is a greater awareness of one's feelings and a regaining possession of the fluidity of the body and spirit.

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